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The mod requires the installation of the latest Minecraft Forge. The mod is available for Minecraft 1.16.5, 1.14.4 and Minecraft 1.12.2. This mod was inspired by the original Tardis Mod by ShaneDarkholme but has no relation with the original mod. You do not need to know about the Doctor Who show to play this mod.

It requires Minecraft Forge to be installed beforehand. The mod works for singleplayer and multiplayer. With an infinitely sized interior dimension, explore, unlock and upgrade its many systems, and integrate them with many of your other favourite mods! The Tardis in mod allows you to travel anywhere in your Minecraft world and any custom dimension! It also allows for integration with many Minecraft Mod systems, such as energy and item piping. The New TARDIS Mod is a technology mod that adds a pocket dimension which can act as a portable base, inspired by the eponymous time machine from the popular British television show, Doctor Who. In order to navigate the wiki, click "Shelves" or "Books" categories to view different topics or use the search bar at the top of every page. To view its archived information, please click here: Deprecated Features Both 1.12 and 1.14 Versions of the mod are now deprecated.